In particular, a one-sided diet with many calories leads to so-called obesity. However, you have to know that diet not only has something to do with weight, but also has a major influence on the appearance of the skin and hair as well as the performance of the organs. Not to be forgotten is a lack of exercise when it comes to being overweight. If exercise is not seen as important, the body will burn few calories and body weight will increase dangerously.


In the worst case, the body is no longer able to break down pollutants naturally due to a lack of exercise. This can lead to psychological problems, which many people compensate for with food – from this point on they find themselves in a kind of vicious circle that they can hardly break through. However, it is not just a lack of exercise that leads to obesity; a number of metabolic diseases can also be responsible. In many cases, this can be remedied by targeted medication.

If you have made up your mind to declare war on your obesity, you have already taken the first step in the right direction. However, when losing weight, it is not the number of fat cells that matters, but rather their size. In an adult human, the number of fat cells will no longer change. Fat is stored in fat cells in the form of fatty acid molecules. The body creates depots for bad times.

With our ancestors this was certainly important because it was never really clear when you would get your next meal. Today it looks different, because food in any form is available in abundance to almost everyone. The result of this is usually unnecessary pounds that you carry around with you. Only through targeted weight loss can you reduce the fatty acid molecules and thus also make the fat cells shrink. This can also be seen in the kilos you put on the scales.

Current experience of losing weight with CBD oil

We are constantly receiving new experience reports on Facebook about users who have lost weight with the help of CBD and CBD oil. Sometimes with a change in diet, sometimes with sport, but also without.